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Personal automobiles are the primary mode of transportation on Cape Cod. In recent years, the number of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on the market and on the roads have increased significantly. The popularity of EVs is helped by State and Federal rebates as well as overall consumer trends aligning with environmental concerns.
With the increase in EVs, public EV charging must also increase to meet the demand. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce welcomes residents and visitors to use the links provided below to find charging stations for their EVs.
We also encourage our climate-conscious partners, entrepreneurs, and local businesses in relevant industries to join us in efforts to increase EV charging access across Cape Cod. Increased availability of Charging Stations supports the Cape economy while also promoting climate conscious behavior. Programs and initiatives from Cape Cod Commission and Eversource are detailed in the links below.
Increasing Cape Cods EV Charging Capabilities by Cape Cod Commission
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Inventory on Cape Cod by Cape Cod Commission
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Initiatives by Eversource
Electric Car Charging Guide by ChargeHub
Interactive EV Charging and Trip Planning Tool by A Better Route Planner