My Chamber

Policy Priorities

Click the links below to learn more about the Cape Cod Chamber’s Public Policy Priorities

Business Climate

Cape Cod is predominantly a small business region, with 95% of businesses having fewer than 20 employees and 65% having fewer than five. Regulatory compliance burdens hinder productivity and increase the cost of doing business.

Housing, Childcare, & Livability

The Housing to Protect Cape Cod initiative was launched by Housing Assistance Corporation, CCIAOR®, the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, CapeBuilt Companies, and the Homebuilders and Remodelers of Cape Cod.

Cape Cod Bridges

As a man-made island connected by two roadways and a rail line, constricted transportation access to and from the mainland is one of our greatest economic threats. 

Sustainable Tourism

Tourism is Massachusetts' third-largest industry, generating a $69 billion in economic impact and $16 billion in direct spending. It also provides $1.2 billion in state and local tax revenue and employs 376,000 workers directly.

Tourism Destination Marketing District

A TDMD is a form of public-private partnership that provides designated tourism promotion funds for a specific geographic region. Regional Tourism Councils (like the Cape Cod Chamber) are the only entities that can initiate the formation of…

Energy & Environment

The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce supports a balanced, stable and reliable energy portfolio for the Commonwealth that is cost-competitive, environmentally responsible and supports the resiliency of coastal regions.