Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod has announced that they have an anonymous donor who will match up to $20,000 to support Habitat Cape Cod’s Wellfleet Faith Build home. The match expires on March 31st.

The Federated Church of Orleans, The Chapel of St. James the Fisherman, and Provincetown United Methodist Church have made contributions to help the organization reach its goal of $50,000. The Faith Build’s home sponsorship is for one of the four new Habitat homes on Old Kings Highway in Wellfleet and helps offset the costs of building the home; Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod’s homes cost the organization more than $350,000 to build, which does not include the cost of the land.

Donations can be made online by visiting habitatcapecod.org/donate, then clicking “Make a Gift Today” and selecting the Wellfleet Faith Build Match option, or donations can be mailed to Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, 411 Main Street, Suite 6, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675, with a note designating the Wellfleet Faith Build match campaign.

Please contact Tara Cronin, Habitat Cape Cod’s Director of Resource Development, for donor and sponsorship opportunities and questions about the Wellfleet Faith Build matching campaign. Tara can be reached at 508-362-3559 x116 and tara@habitatcapecod.org.