Business Background
Eldredge & Bourne Moving & Storage was founded by Carlton Bourne in Falmouth in approx. 1918. They
started delivering coal and ice and, eventually, when asked if they could transport a piece of
furniture, got themselves into the moving business. The family descended from a Mayflower
passenger, Richard Bourne, an English Clergyman who preached to the Mashpee Wampanoag
tribe on Cape Cod where the Barnstable County town of Bourne was settled in 1640. In the mid
1950's, Eldredge & Bourne had moved their operations to the old Barnstable County Fair Grounds
property on 6A in Cummaquid before finally settling in the EC Hall building at the corner of Willow
Street and Rte. 28 in Hyannis. Currently, Eldredge & Bourne is located at 200 Airport Way out behind
the Cape Cod Airport in Hyannis.

Current Projects
We are very proud to offer over 26,000 square feet for clean and secure storage space that also has
both heat and air-conditioning, two key differences between us and our competition. Having the
cleanest and most well organized warehouse is one of our main goals. Also, having the largest and
newest fleet of trucks helps us to stay ahead of the competition.

Eldredge & Bourne has been an agent for Allied Van Lines since the late 1930's. This agency
relationship has allowed us to offer moving services all across the United States, as well as the
world via Allied International. Allied is one of the oldest and largest Van Line operations in the
country. They keep a close eye on all their agents and are constantly rating their agents based on
surveys from every customer they move. For the last 20 years, we have consistently gotten either
first or second place in the Allied Quality Awards for Customer for Life. This award is based solely
on surveys completed by each client after their move.

Community Involvement
Eldredge & Bourne has always been involved in local charities such as Habitat for Humanity and
Capabilities. We donate furniture and household goods to both whenever the opportunity arises.
We also have donated our moving services to Families in Need whenever possible. In the last 2
years, we have been involved in donating drivers and trucks as well as storage to the Second
Summer Cycle Event. The company also has an owner and employee that ride the Pan Mass
Challenge every year.

Industry Insights
The Moving & Storage industry on Cape Cod and the Islands has actually retracted over the last
couple of years. Two of the older companies in our business have closed their doors, and no one
has come in to replace them. With the cost of property so high, its increasingly more difficult for
anyone to move their business here and start from scratch. Eldredge & Bourne recently purchased
a 4 -acre parcel in Yarmouth to allow future expansion as needed.


Additional Fun Facts
Eldredge & Bourne is more than just a Moving & Storage company. We also handle Interior Designer
projects from receiving new furniture, to storage and installation when the client's new home is
complete. We also specialize in services to Nantucket Island. We have moving trucks located on
the Island, as well as a company home for employees to stay while working which eliminates the
high cost and wasted time of commuting back and forth. Even on Nantucket, we adhere to a very
simple company policy: Show up and DO your job! It has worked for over 100 years, and hopefully
for another 100 more!